Shared economy smart cars for the future



Autonomous Car Market Growth by 2030

How we drive, transport goods, and get from point A to B is changing. Research shows that the autonomous car market is expected to grow to $60 billion by 2030, with annual production levels of robo-cars expected to reach 800,000 units worldwide.


Expected units to be sold by 2030

While car owners may use their vehicle to commute, run errands, or visit family, it predominantly sits on the drive, not being used. But what if you could have your car when you need it but rent it via a shared vehicle scheme the remainder of the time?

Discover how we created an autonomous car app to support the changing tide of vehicle usage as well as the future of car ownership, ride sharing and more.

The Idea

Imagine having all the best a car can offer in one single service. We have set ourselves an ambitious goal to fix the current driver/user paradigm and prepare the automotive industry for the next leap to come.

4 IN 1




Our UI aims to bridge traditional ideas by connecting to vehicles with a new and intriguing concept of the future of travel. We wanted our interface to convey a certain aura of safety — seen through its wireframe-like and text rich layouts - while daring to break boundaries with vibrant sections and bold design.


Having to combine both a user and owner perspective in one app our aim was to keep all elements as simple as possible. The app was divided into four distinct contexts — each with a different purpose.

Users can also process payments, get information about their vehicle,

direct it to pick up deliveries, track their ride, or run errands.



Almost as important as the app itself is the ability to communicate it properly to a large audience. When building the website we moved away from traditional promotional approaches and rather proposed an immersive experience, focusing on the details and the uniqueness of River.

User Experience

While our design team didn’t want to break the patterns of ride-hailing features (as this market is already relatively mature), we aimed to step up the element that involves being the owner of a car.

With many companies and investors, like Tesla and Uber, starting to focus on this market, it’s important to have an ecosystem of applications and devices to support this emerging market. After all, it’s only a matter of time before we see autonomous cars on the streets.


Our UI aims to bridge traditional ideas by connecting to vehicles with a new and intriguing concept of the future of travel. We wanted our interface to convey a certain aura of safety — seen through its wireframe-like and text rich layouts —while daring to break boundaries with vibrant sections and bold design.


Crucially, adding to the overall prowess of River's visual identity lies in the use of strong contrasts. Those can be seen in the colour palette and fonts used, most notably Dynamo’s Favorit, with it’s very peculiar techie, engineering-like nature and the more neutral Avenir. All this subtle tension reinforces the sense of novelty, while remaining serious and trustworthy.




The design colour palette is in-line with the overall ethos of River as a brand. Off-black is the subtle base (akin to a night scene), where a strong hue of vibrant blue glows to pack-a-punch. Black and varying shades of grey work as a complement, with magenta used mostly for specific actions and marketing purposes.









We wanted to create an app for both car owners and users, paying homage to the shared economy.

A Glance
to the Future

We’re looking forward to making River a reality by bringing the app to the market and changing the future of car ownership, reducing road traffic and creating a more user-friendly future in the world of travel.

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